We're happy to announce we have released the login issue fix in our new Combin Growth 2.11 and Combin Scheduler 1.9. If you're still experiencing the login issues, please make sure you've updated the applications. You can update in-app (Check for Updates) or download the new releases from the Combin website.
These versions contain an in-app authorization issue fix, which is a completely new approach to solving this persistent problem! Log out of your current account and re-log in to it again with your credentials. The login issue will be removed.
Since we wanted to release the solution as quickly as possible, some minor issues such as missing translations and other small problems might occur in this version.
💡 If you are not experiencing login problems right now, you can skip this update. Another more stable version is going to be out soon.
If you have any issues or need help, you can comment here or reach our support directly at [email protected] 💜